Saturday 27 October 2007

On Belief

I was not brought up to believe in God, or whatever god there might be. Many people in today's world do not go to church, I am not the only one. But even people who call themselves rational practise a belief.
In their case it is not belief in something supernatural. They (and I, too) believe in science. When you were ill in the Middle Ages, you prayed and hoped that God will help you. Nowadays, you go to the doctor and hope that she or he will help you in the same way. Like God, doctors practise an art that is impossible to understand for us, puny humans. All we can do is turn to the doctor in an unreserved trust that they will help us. And like with God, we are then frustrated and depressed when they will not.
The religion of today is the Science. There are people who try to explain the world not by the doings of God, but by what they call Laws of Nature. These laws, however logical they seem, are presented to children in schools as fact, even though they are only suggestions. Everyone should understand that what Science tells us is by no means definite. You can never tell whether in twenty years time there won't be someone who will find out that there is no such thing as DNA and that what we are like depends on how our mother felt during the pregnancy...

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